12:38 AM

Cars, Houses, Accidents, London...UPDATES

So... It's been awhile. The latest news is that we found a great car. A black Mini Cooper S. I love it. Brent found it after the Corolla he bought for me for Christmas blew up on us. It was crazy that I finally had a car that I was actually excited to drive.

Unfortunately, in even more recent news, the Mini was smashed. Poor Mini. A stupid lady turned into Brent when he was going through an intersection. And she lied and said he ran the red light, so now we don't have a car until insurance proves who was at fault (her). I hope the Mini isn't ruined....... :(
Also recently, we had been looking for houses because Brent got an awesome job. We will be in Utah for awhile now. So we found a perfect house in Daybreak in South Jordan, they are these modern looking solar powered houses. Not only is it a brand new house but we get to have it built as well. but this is what it is going to look like. This is the Model home but it is the same exact layout and style that we are building.So there is just a few pictures but it has that 30 foot ceiling in the living room, it has an upstairs loft, 3 bedrooms and 2 and a half bathrooms. We already have money down and are pre-qualified we are just waiting for them to get the permit to break ground on it, and we are waiting and hoping that we qualify for the mortgage loan.

Last on our list of updates, Brent finishes up his classes this semester, and we are going to London for a week for his graduation present and our vacation. We are going to an Arsenal match because that is Brent's favorite football team, and he was sure to get me a jersey to wear when I am there.
And that is about it for now. I'll be finishing up with school here in December, then who knows. As you can see, Bowzer is doing well and he is still our little baby. <3


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Very exciting! Happy I just found your blog :) Hope all is well!